Start date: November 2016
End date: Still training
Fitness goal: Weight loss
3-month progression report
(Nov’16 to Feb’17)
Body Fat: 32.4% to 23.5% (Loss of 25% total)
Weight loss: 2 stone 9lbs
Resting Heart Rate: 91 to 63 beats per minute
I started with a weight loss plan in 2013 when I lost 27kg, but over the next couple of years, I put on half of what I had lost and needed a change to ensure I didn’t put it all back on.
I am lucky enough to have a nutritionist, who advised me on diet for the first weight-loss period. This helped me lose weight the first time, but once I got to my target, many of the old habits slipped back and the nutrition slipped. I tried again on my own but it didn’t have the same results. For this reason, I decided to try out Personal Training and contacted Joe.

Personal training
I never thought of myself as a gym or sporty person and was quite nervous at the prospect at first. I typed out the initial email and took a disproportionate amount of time to finally press ‘send’. I know I needed something new but wasn’t sure if Personal Training was it. I didn’t know what made a good Personal Trainer, but having found and read Joe’s profile on the National Register of Personal Trainers, decided to have an initial meeting. From meeting Joe, I felt his approach was the right one for me. I booked the first block of 10 sessions (I didn’t want a reason to quit) and we got on with it!
Joe said two things to me in November that stuck with me. Weight loss is 80% nutrition to 20% exercise and you can almost always out-eat exercise. Both of which was certainly true in my case, as previously, the same exercise routines had remained, but nutrition habits reverted.
Now working with a Personal Trainer, there has been a significant difference to how I feel this time around. Through Joe’s planned sessions and advice, I feel fitter, stronger and have more stamina. He has motivated, educated and helped me get back on track faster than I expected. The sessions are structured through considering exercise completed throughout the week and tailoring them to achieve maximum results.
I never thought I would, but I now look forward to the gym each week. I feel more focused and confident at work. My asthma has improved, and I’m sleeping better.
A key aspect for me was to change my belief in what I viewed as ‘normal’ in terms of nutrition. I have always been reluctant to use the term ‘diet,’ as for me this creates a false impression that it is temporary. I now believe it is a lifestyle change.
Working with Joe has given me the confidence to go further than I originally intended with my weight loss target, an extra 9kg to be exact. This time last year, the thought of a 5k run was laughable. Now a 10k is my normal distance and I have signed up to a half marathon. I enjoy cycling more and plan to find some longer rides, something I didn’t have the confidence to do last year.
Looking forward
I am halfway towards reaching my weight loss goal. I have had personal successes along the way; faster runs, five minutes cut off my cycling commute and buying clothes without an ‘X’ in front of them. I am determined to get there, even with lapses along the way. I’m so happy I pressed send on that email to Joe back in October.