On Sunday 20th August a group of us headed down to Greenwich Park to complete the Run Through 10k event.
A 3 lap course of the park took in a gruelling hill climb that did its best to sap the life out of the legs. The race finished with a 200m flat run to the line which encouraged a sprint finish.
Following the Richmond 10k back in April, there were 5 of us running again and aiming to better times. Conscious of the different gradient of the race most expected the Greenwich race to be more of a challenging route. However, 4 of us picked up PBs taking anything from 10 seconds to a full minute off best times.
A big shout out to Isabel who completed her very first 10k run.
Well done to all that trained and took part in the race.
If you’d like to find out more about how to get involved in future group events organised, contact Joe by e mail joe@joeedmonds.co.uk