You know you’ve found a top Personal Trainer when they understand the value of their profession and the coaching element to their support.
A Personal Trainer isn’t there just to make you lift heavier, make you run harder, make you do more reps than you could have done on your own.
As your Personal Trainer, as your coach I am invested in your overall health and wellbeing. I aim to understand you as an individual. What makes you tick? What are your drivers? What motivates you and what is your learning style.
Empowering Yourself
With my guidance and knowledge I will facilitate your health and fitness journey, setting out a pathway to success and progression. However, fundamentally it will be you that will decide how you make the positive changes to your lifestyle, how many times you will decide to train each week, what changes to your diet you are ready to make or how much space and time you will afford to focus on your own health and wellbeing
YOU who then takes all the credit for the successes and positive changes you make.

I am your Coach
To offer guidance, knowledge and education.
To listen, understand and genuinely care about you and your life.
To empathise, relate and encourage and to always be there to support you when times get tough.
With no judgement, only ever 100% support
I believe in you and your success!